Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Don't miss it- next show is Nov 27 with HEY MAVIS

Hi folks!  Our next show is with the amazing musical trio HEY MAVIS.  This will be the last house concert for 2010, so be sure to make it if you can.

  • Reserve seats only - RSVP to Tom - cyclingtroll@gmail.com
  • Saturday, November 27, 2010
  • 6PM potluck dinner (bring a dish to share and meet the band)
  • 7PM show time
  • Suggested donation of $10-12 (all proceeds go to the band)

Follow up from John Lilly show, October 2010

Wow- the October show was something special!  Thanks to JOHN LILLY for coming in and entertaining us in October.  Here are the photos.